About Larry Pahl

7439 Shaw Rd. Belvidere, IL 61008

Phone 815.332.4061 mailto:lpahl@gnn.com



To let you know a little about me

Summary of qualifications

In his reference letter for me, Dr. Lloyd Duck, head of the department of Curriculum and Instruction at George Mason University, wrote:

"I have not met Mr. Pahl's equal--in terms of sheer dedication and energy expended in professional projects--and have seen few to equal him in intellectual capabilities. He has an amazing capacity to accomplish all the goals he sets for himself and balance many tasks simultaneously. I am confident that he will be an excellent asset..."

Have been a brick layer, tree topper, cab driver, journalist, secondary administrator, college teacher

Desk top publishing, Word 6.0, have authored scores of internet pages.

Professional journalist; reporter with Peoria Journal Star, 1994-5; free lance writer

Worked as a housefather in a group home for troubled teens (Miracle Meadows School in WV, 1992);

Worked effectively on six-month grant as administrator with staff and members of New Life Community Church of South Elgin, IL, Sept '95-Mar '96.

Maintain good relations with my former students; elected secretary of the Graduate Association of Political Science at WIU, 1994.

Positive peer and student reviews in the teaching positions I have held.


M.A., 1995, Political Science. Teaching assistant.

1992 One of 20 educators chosen for graduate summer fellowship.

Th.M., 1992

B.A., 1972. George Cobb Fellow, Phi and Beta Honorary Society, commencement speaker, political science major, religion minor.

1971 S.A.L. program

Professional experience

Administrative Assistant Pastor:

Web-page Spinner

College and Secondary Instruction and Administration:



E-mail Larry