About Larry
7439 Shaw Rd. Belvidere, IL 61008
To let you know a little about me
Summary of qualifications
- Intense worker, capable of juggling simultaneous projects
In his reference letter for me, Dr. Lloyd Duck, head
of the department of Curriculum and Instruction at George Mason University,
"I have not
met Mr. Pahl's equal--in terms of sheer
dedication and energy expended in professional projects--and have seen few
to equal him in intellectual capabilities. He has an amazing capacity to
accomplish all the goals he sets for himself and balance many tasks
simultaneously. I am confident that he will be an excellent asset..."
- A strong practical and academic background
Have been a brick layer, tree topper, cab driver, journalist,
secondary administrator, college teacher
Desk top publishing, Word 6.0, have authored scores
of internet pages.
Professional journalist; reporter with Peoria Journal
Star, 1994-5; free lance writer
Worked as a housefather in a group home for troubled teens
(Miracle Meadows School in WV, 1992);
Worked effectively on six-month grant as administrator with staff and
of New Life Community Church of South Elgin, IL, Sept '95-Mar '96.
Maintain good relations with my former students; elected secretary of
the Graduate Association of Political Science at WIU, 1994.
Positive peer and student reviews in the teaching positions I have held.
- Western Illinois University Macomb, IL 61455
M.A., 1995, Political Science. Teaching assistant.
- George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030
1992 One of 20 educators chosen for graduate summer fellowship.
- Christian Bible College Rocky Mount, NC
Th.M., 1992
- Colgate University Hamilton, NY 13346
B.A., 1972. George Cobb Fellow, Phi and Beta Honorary Society,
commencement speaker, political science major, religion minor.
- University of Chicago Chicago, IL
1971 S.A.L. program
Professional experience
Administrative Assistant Pastor:
- New Life Community Church South Elgin, IL 60177
Bob Frisby 847.741.5141
Third-wave nondenominational church.
Web-page Spinner
College and Secondary Instruction and Administration:
- West Virginia Northern New Martinsville, WV; Fall
1991 Dr. Patricia Burns, Dean 304.233.5900 Taught Political
Science 102, Intro to American Government
- Carl Sandburg College Galesburg, IL; Spring 1994 Carol
Lytle 309.343.4212 Political Science 223, State-Local Government;
Sociology 101 at Henry Hill facility
- Western Illinois University Teaching Assistant; 1993/4
Dr. Charles Weston 309.298.1055 Assistant to Dr. C. Helm,
Theory; Dr. R. Crockett, Public Policy
- Mountain State Academy Pennsboro,
WV 26415; 1984-92 Gayle Clark principal, 304.659.3976
Headmaster for 5 years, Teacher for 7.
- The Peoria Journal Star Peoria, IL 61651; 1994-5
Ken Kirchoefer, State Editor 800.225.5757 X3041
- Director of the American Institute of Pyramidology. The
Institute maintains a website dedicated
to the study of the Great Pyramid.
- Dr. Lloyd Duck was my supervising faculty at
George Mason University. He wrote a very nice letter of reference on my behalf
when I applied for the masters program at WIU, which is partially quoted
- Dr. Patricia Burns is the liberal arts dean at West Virginia Northern
Community College. She hired me and directed my evaluation as a part-time
instructor there. She also wrote a letter of reference on my behalf in the
application process for my WIU graduate work.
- Gayle Clark was the chairman of the school board
at Mountain State Academy where I taught for seven years and was headmaster
for five. As headmaster I was involved in recruiting, budgeting, hiring,
and teacher development. Gayle recently wrote a reference letter for me when
I told her I was moving to the Chicago area. This letter is available on
- Dr. Charles Weston, present chairman of the political science
department at Western Illinois University, or Dr. Charles Helm, new
chairman in July, and present head of the graduate program, along with other
professors there have references on my behalf. 309-298-1055.